Tuesday, December 3, 2019

December 2019 Technology Update

FMX: Report Summary for November 2019 is below. As of December 3, 2019, there are 8 open requests.

Directions on using FMX:1. Go to https://loganelm.gofmx.com. 2. There are 2 login boxes. Click on the "Log In with AD FS" gray box. 3. Enter your email address (first.last@loganelm.org) and your password that you use to access your email. Click on the "Create Request" button in the upper right corner and choose the type of request you need to add.

The site is very intuitive to use. If you have any questions or need assistance, click on the "Help & Updates" link in the bottom left. There are training videos and a FAQ.

Laptop Replacements: I need to replace all Acer Aspire E1-572-6459 and Acer TravelMate P253-M-6834 laptops. My inventory is not as accurate as I would like it to be, so if you have one of these laptops, please let me know. According to my inventory, below is a list of staff that have one of these laptops.

Brian Campbell, Katy Blubaugh, Julie McGuire, MaryBeth Reichelderfer, Heidi Woods, Nate Smith, Jody Tate, Teresa Hamner, Tammie Wooten, Billie Rhoads, Michelle Griffith, Shannon McKibben and Aaron Landau.

If you do not see your name and have one of the laptop models, please let me know so I can get you on a list and work on a replacement schedule.

Inventory: I have started updating the inventory of technology. Yesterday, I was able to complete 6 classrooms at McDowell. I am replacing missing or peeling stickers on chromebooks and looking for anything that needs repaired or replaced. I removed 13 chromebooks with broken dc jacks. I found a great deal on replacement dc jacks ($7.95 vs $20) so I purchased 50. If I come in your classroom and want me to come back another time, please tell me. I won't be offended. I can move on to another room. If chromebooks are in use, I will come back another time (lunch, recess, specials, after hours). 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November 2019 Technology Update

FMX: Report Summary for October 2019 is below. As of November 5, 2019, there are 4 open requests.

Directions on using FMX:1. Go to https://loganelm.gofmx.com. 2. There are 2 login boxes. Click on the "Log In with AD FS" gray box. 3. Enter your email address (first.last@loganelm.org) and your password that you use to access your email. Click on the "Create Request" button in the upper right corner and choose the type of request you need to add.

The site is very intuitive to use. If you have any questions or need assistance, click on the "Help & Updates" link in the bottom left. There are training videos and a FAQ.

Laptop Replacements: I need to replace all Acer Aspire E1-572-6459 and Acer TravelMate P253-M-6834 laptops. My inventory is not as accurate as I would like it to be, so if you have one of these laptops, please let me know. According to my inventory, below is a list of staff that have one of these laptops.

Brian Campbell, Katy Blubaugh, Julie McGuire, MaryBeth Reichelderfer, Heidi Woods, Nate Smith, Jody Tate, Teresa Hamner, Tammie Wooten, Billie Rhoads, Michelle Griffith, Shannon McKibben.

If you do not see your name and have one of the laptop models, please let me know so I can get you on a list and work on a replacement schedule.

Learn21 Conference: I attended the Learn21 Conference on Tuesday, October 29th at the Ohio Union in Columbus. Below is a link to my notes from the conference.

Learn21 Conference Notes

Friday, October 11, 2019

October 2019 Technology Update

FMX: Report Summary for September 2019 is below. As of October 11, 2019, there are 2 open requests.

Directions on using FMX:1. Go to https://loganelm.gofmx.com. 2. There are 2 login boxes. Click on the "Log In with AD FS" gray box. 3. Enter your email address (first.last@loganelm.org) and your password that you use to access your email. Click on the "Create Request" button in the upper right corner and choose the type of request you need to add.

The site is very intuitive to use. If you have any questions or need assistance, click on the "Help & Updates" link in the bottom left. There are training videos and a FAQ.

Desktop Computer Replacements: I have emailed teachers who will be receiving new desktops. Some teachers have scheduled their replacement time. If you have not, please do so through Calendly. The link is https://calendly.com/john-rundag.

Remote Access: In order to provide a more timely response to technology requests and do so in a cost-effective manner, I would like to do more remote support. My mileage reimbursement for September was $200 and comes out of the technology fund. I would rather spend money on supplies and new technology and keep the miles off of my car. When you enter a technology request, I will send a link to the Calendly page where you can schedule a time. When that time arrives, I will send a link for the remote session. It will include a 5 digit code for you to enter. At that time, I will take over your computer and try to resolve the issue. There is a chat feature in the support software if you need to speak with me.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

September 2019 Technology Update

FMX: Report Summary for August 2019 is below. As of September 2, 2019, there are 20 open requests.

Directions on using FMX:1. Go to https://loganelm.gofmx.com. 2. There are 2 login boxes. Click on the "Log In with AD FS" gray box. 3. Enter your email address (first.last@loganelm.org) and your password that you use to access your email. Click on the "Create Request" button in the upper right corner and choose the type of request you need to add.

The site is very intuitive to use. If you have any questions or need assistance, click on the "Help & Updates" link in the bottom left. There are training videos and an FAQ.

Desktop Computer Replacements: I will be replacing the HP desktop computers in the high school, middle school and Laurelville. Once technology requests are at a manageable level, I will schedule a time to replace the computers. 

Joining all laptops to Active Directory: During the school year, I will be joining all district-owned laptops to our active directory domain. This will make it easier to push out updates and have better security. Students should not be on staff laptops, as less content is being filtered for staff.

Laptop Replacements: I will be replacing 15 laptops this year. I will notify those who will receive them and schedule a time to copy everything from the old laptop to the new one.

Friday, May 10, 2019

May 2019 Technology Update

HelpDesk: 49 requests opened. 48 requests closed. 1 open request.

To create a request, go to https://loganelm.gofmx.com
. If you are requesting new accounts or resetting passwords for students, please include their grade level and student number. Please note: I will maintain both Spiceworks and FMX until May 31, 2019. After that date, Spiceworks will be retired.

FMX: FMX is a facilities management program recently approved by the board of education. This program will be used for transportation requests, maintenance requests, planned maintenance, building schedule requests and technology requests. FMX is up and running. Currently, it is being used for transportation requests. Starting now, it can be used for technology requests. Below are instructions for accessing FMX.

1. Go to https://loganelm.gofmx.com. 2. There are 2 login boxes. Click on the "Log In with AD FS" gray box. 3. Enter your email address (first.last@loganelm.org) and your password that you use to access your email. Click on the "Create Request" button in the upper right corner and choose the type of request you need to add.

The site is very intuitive to use. If you have any questions or need assistance, click on the "Help & Updates" link in the bottom left. There are training videos and an FAQ.

I left this in from last month due to the low adoption rate of this product.

Server Maintenance at the LE Complex: The servers at the LE Complex will be taken offline on Monday, May 13 at 4:30pm so that I can upgrade the memory modules. The outage should not be longer than 10 minutes.

Infinite Campus: Our second upload of our student data to Infinite Campus occurred on May 3rd. I am in the process of adding accounts for everyone. This has taken longer than I expected. I hope to have it completed by May 17th. We have a "sandbox" where you can go in and "play" with our actual student data. If you change something, it will be overwritten in the final upload during the summer. The URL for the "sandbox" is https://conv38.infinitecampus.com/campus/logan_elm_conv1.jsp. I will be emailing a username and password for you to use. You will use these new credentials with the production server as well.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

March 2019 Technology Update

HelpDesk: 45 tickets opened. 44 tickets closed. 1 open ticket.

To create a request, go to https://loganelm.gofmx.com
. If you are requesting new accounts or resetting passwords for students, please include their grade level and student number. Please note: I will maintain both Spiceworks and FMX until May 31, 2019. After that date, Spiceworks will be retired.

FMX: FMX is a facilities management program recently approved by the board of education. This program will be used for transportation requests, maintenance requests, planned maintenance, building schedule requests and technology requests. FMX is up and running. Currently, it is being used for transportation requests. Starting now, it can be used for technology requests. Below are instructions for accessing FMX.

1. Go to https://loganelm.gofmx.com. 2. There are 2 login boxes. Click on the "Log In with AD FS" gray box. 3. Enter your email address (first.last@loganelm.org) and your password that you use to access your email. Click on the "Create Request" button in the upper right corner and choose the type of request you need to add.

The site is very intuitive to use. If you have any questions or need assistance, click on the "Help & Updates" link in the bottom left. There are training videos and an FAQ.

Chrome OS 70-71: Chromebooks and chromeboxes being used for testing need to be at Chrome OS version 70 or 71. Version 72 was just released, but we are holding our chromebooks at 71. An issue was found and patched for version 72, but if another issue is found, it is very difficult to go back a Chrome OS version. To find out which version of Chrome OS is being used, below are instructions.
1. Login to the chromebook. 2. Click on the time in the bottom right corner. 3. Click on the gear near the upper right corner of the box that pops up. 4. Click on the 3 lines near Settings and choose "About Chrome OS." 5. Underneath Google Chrome OS should be the version number. 

If it is not at 70 or 71, click on check for updates. If the chromebook or chromebox will not update, please enter a helpdesk ticket.

New Windows Domain: I have started moving computers over to the new domain at the high school and middle school. There are a few elementary computers on the new domain as well. I do not have any future calendar events, so I will be stopping by each classroom to complete the migrations. If your computer is in use, I will move on to the next classroom.

Windows 10: I am still in the process of upgrading desktop computers to Windows 10. My goal is to have every desktop on Windows 10 by the end of the school year.  I have 23 computers to go. There are some computers that will not be upgraded. They will be replaced over the summer.

Infinite Campus: Our first upload of our student data to Infinite Campus will take place on March 22nd. After the second upload on April 10, I will be attending a half day training session on adding users. Once this has been completed, we will have a "sandbox" where you can go in and "play" with our actual student data. If you change something, it will be overwritten in the final upload during the summer.

Email Scams (Phishing): Yesterday, ODE sent out the following message in their weekly update:

The Auditor of State's Office has received information that, over the last few weeks, several Ohio school districts have been victims of an email scam sometimes referred to as “CEO Fraud.” This targeted spear phishing attack uses familiarity to trick individuals into taking an action.
Each of the instances reported to the Auditor of State’s Office involves a cybercriminal impersonating the superintendent or a principal of a school district. In each case, an email was sent to a payroll department employee asking that a change be made to the bank account linked to the superintendent's or principal's direct deposit. The payroll deposit then is directed to the criminal. The scam is identified only after the impersonated employee realizes he or she did not get paid. These scams are especially effective because the staff member involved believes he or she is dealing directly with a district or school official who has the authority to make such a request.
The Auditor of State’s Office encourages districts to educate their staffs on this type of scam and be on the lookout for any such activity. The state auditor also encourages districts to:
  • Examine the procedures in place for making changes to an employee's payroll bank account; and
  • Consider taking verification steps outside of the email system before making such a change.
First and foremost, report all scams to the local police department and the FBI. If a district or school loses cash or assets because of such a scam, officials also should contact Ohio’s Fraud Hotline at (866) FRAUD-OH.

For our district, if you want to make changes to your direct deposit, it must be completed in person at the treasurer's office. Office hours are 8am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday.

Below is an email I received in my junk mail folder on Sunday. I have received reports from other staff members that have received it as well:


As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
This means that I have full access to your account: At the time of hacking your account(john.rundag@loganelm.org) had this password: 69e566cd4a9eff29949e4a6d5

You can say: this is my, but old password!
Or: I can change my password at any time!

Of course! You will be right,
but the fact is that when you change the password, my malicious code every time saved a new one!

I've been watching you for a few months now.
But the fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.

If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.

I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence from e-mail and messangers.

Why your antivirus did not detect my malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.

I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks. I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.

If you want to prevent this, transfer the amount of $748 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").

My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1B3Lx1t4CQSt3ck85bqzGHC9TeEQGANhUR

After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 48 hours to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.

Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.

If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.


It is easy to "spoof" email addresses, so I knew it wasn't real. The second giveaway was the password is incorrect. While I do use a lengthy password using uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters, it isn't even close to what I use. Third giveaway is I am confident there is no video of me and the only videos I watch are instructional in nature (webinars, videos on repairing chromebooks, etc). Last giveaway is even if everything in the email was true, I don't have $748 bitcoin to send. Sure, I could purchase bitcoin, but I don't have $2,870,427.56 in my bank account!

Bottom line: You have to scrutinize every email. It it doesn't seem right, it probably isn't. If you question something you receive, forward it to me. I will attempt to block the sender, but that doesn't stop them. They will hack into another email domain and continue their mission.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February 2019 Technology Update

HelpDesk: 44 tickets opened. 33 tickets closed. 8 open tickets. 3 waiting tickets. Waiting tickets are those where I am waiting on a response from the person that entered the ticket.

To create a ticket, go to 
http://loganelm.org/helpdesk and fill out the form. If you are requesting new accounts or resetting passwords for students, please include their grade level and student number.

New Windows Domain: Forward Edge, the company that installed our new wired/wireless network, has created a new Windows domain for our Windows computers. I will start migrating computers to the domain very soon. To make the transition as smooth as possible, I have created calendar appointments through Calendly to collect domain passwords from high school/middle school teachers. Computers at other buildings use a generic logon, so I will not be sending the form to schools not on the main campus. This project is necessary due to the outdated operating systems on our servers, more storage, better analytics/security and an easy transition when we move into the new building.

Office 365 New Look for Outlook: Microsoft has updated the look of Outlook. If you want to change to the new look, click on the "Try the new Outlook" button in the upper right-hand corner. Personally, I like the new look. It gives you more options when you click on an email than the current look. If you don't like it, you can switch back.

Filtering: Securly is up and running on chromebooks. I will get it up and running on all Windows desktops and laptops by the end of the school year. BYOT devices will only be filtered on our network, not off-campus. If parents want filtering on their child's device(s), they should look into a service like OpenDNSCircle or another solution from their wireless provider. 

Windows 10: I am still in the process of upgrading desktop computers to Windows 10. My goal is to have every desktop on Windows 10 by the end of the school year. All laptops should be running Windows 10. If you know of a laptop that was missed (I found one over the winter break), please let me know. So far, 35 computers have been upgraded to Windows 10. I have 41 computers to go. There are some computers that will not be upgraded. They will be replaced over the summer.

Transfinder: In December of 2018, the board of education approved a new bus routing software package. Transfinder has many more feature than the outdated software (Edulog) we are currently using. At this time, I am setting up a server and Transfinder is importing our current routes. Our goal is to have the new software up and running before the start of 2019-2020 school year.

FMX: FMX is a facilities management program recently approved by the board of education. This program will be used for transportation requests, maintenance requests, planned maintenance, building schedule requests and technology requests. At the current time, I am working on an import file of all buildings, rooms, entrances and mechanical areas. Once everything is imported, we will begin to roll out services. We will start with transportation requests first. I will be moving the technology helpdesk to FMX and retire what we currently use. Even though Spiceworks is free, I want to make it easier on everyone by having one place to enter requests.

Twitter: I have created a Twitter account for the tech department. The URL is https://twitter.com/loganelmtech. I will post updates and use it to post outages, especially when email is not available.

Friday, January 4, 2019

January 2019 Technology Update

HelpDesk: 36 tickets opened. 29 tickets closed. 7 open tickets. To create a ticket, go to http://loganelm.org/helpdesk and fill out the form. If you are requesting new accounts or resetting passwords for students, please include their grade level and student number.

Servers: New servers were installed at Laurelville and Washington over the holiday break. This is the last server project until we move into the new building.

Filtering: META Piketon will no longer provide filtering beginning July 1, 2019. I am in the process of adding Securly as our filter. It is free for chromebooks, so I deployed it today. One advantage of using Securly is they provide filtering both on and off campus. I will need to install certificates on our Windows laptops/computers and iPads. Guest network devices will be filtered automatically.

Windows 10: I am in the process of upgrading desktop computers to Windows 10. I have temporary computers available while I am installing the software. In some cases, it will be easier for me to copy your files to a computer already running Windows 10. If there are specialized apps, I will need to perform an in-place upgrade. My goal is to have every desktop on Windows 10 by the end of the school year. All laptops should be running Windows 10. If you know of a laptop that was missed (I found one over the winter break), please let me know.

Twitter: I have created a Twitter account for the tech department. The URL is https://twitter.com/loganelmtech. I will post updates and use it to post outages, especially when email is not available.