Helpdesk: 221 tickets opened. 14 open tickets. To create a ticket, go to and fill out the form. If you are requesting new accounts or resetting passwords for students, please include their grade level and student number.
Recovery email address: I will be adding recovery email addresses to Office 365 and G Suite. If you have both accounts, I will be adding the other address to each platform. This will aid in password recovery so I don't have to reset your password. If you only have an Office 365 account (classified staff), you can send me a personal email address and I will add it.
New servers for Laurelville and Washington: Once I am caught up on helpdesk tickets, I will configure and deploy new servers at Laurelville and Washington. Once this has been completed, all schools will have server that are less than a year old.
Windows 10 upgrade for desktops: Once the servers have been deployed, I will begin upgrading all desktop computers running Windows 7 (224) to Windows 10. Goal completion date is June 1, 2019.